Exchange in Hickory Daily Record letters

Hickory Daily Record, July 23, 2008

McHenry confidant Jason Deans edits Wikipedia listings, according to site

There’s an interesting website out there called“”, and it offers some interesting information for voters to consider in the upcoming November election. The Google page describes the site as “the official site of Republicans disgusted with Patrick McHenry’s (R-NC) actions on and off the House floor as he fails to represent voters of the 10th District....”

Since my own four-year opposition to our gallant congressman is so well-documented (including my own “” site), I feel it necessary to declare that I have had absolutely nothing to do with this new site. Scout’s honor! I wish I had. But “somebody” has really been doing his or her homework!

The current lead article, for instance, reveals how McHenry’s long-time paid staffer, Jason Deans, has been “caught” editing at least 11 items of scandal on the free web encyclopedia Wikipedia, which allows “editing” to correct documented, “factual” errors. Wow! Eleven! And McHenry’s folks would always have you believe that our little Republican congressman is squeaky clean.

Actually, the article speaks of the apparent editing culprit Deans being “traced” by a slew of Internet Provider addresses in the Raleigh and Washington, DC, areas. When Wikipedia asked for proof of the facts Deans has tried to alter, there was, of course, no response. The McHenry scandals outlined on Wikipedia include those related to voter fraud, profiteering in real estate deals, his sexuality, his insult to troops in Iraq, his video which assisted our enemies in Iraq, etc.

I don’t know who these folks are—although 30% of Republicans who voted May 6 for McHenry’s opponent would be a good place to start looking—but they seem to have their facts in line, as best I can tell. For the discerning voter of any party who’s trying to decide how to vote in November, I would call “required reading.”

Dennis A. Benfield
Hudson, NC

Hickory Daily Record, July 27, 2006

Writer obsessed with defeating congressman

I am sure everyone who reads the opinion section of the paper has seen the McHenry hate profiles authored by Dennis Benfield.

This is supposedly a Republican who will vote for a liberal Democrat like Daniel Johnson to defeat the solid Conservative candidate Patrick McHenry.

Dennis Benfield would walk hand-in-hand in joy with the most liberal Democrats like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy and Daniel Johnson to defeat Conservative Patrick McHenry.

Dennis must be an undercover Lurking Liberal trying to defeat the Republican Party's candidate.

Dennis, we get the message! You don't like McHenry with his Conservative message and voting record. You would rather flock with the Liberals and work for defeat instead of pushing a much needed Conservative message.

You are obsessed with McHenry. Now move on with your hate-filled antics.

For those of you who want facts, see the congressman's Web site at and for an alternate opinionated Web site that is by an unknown author opposite the one Benfield referenced, see

Michael Stewart

Hickory Daily Record, July 31, 2008

McHenryite Stewart missed the point of Benfield’s letter

This is to respond to the diatribe against me by Michael Stewart of Claremont in Sunday’s paper. Mr. Stewart, I’m afraid, proves again the danger of ignorance. First, he misses my point entirely—which was that 30% of the REPUBLICANS who voted May 6 don’t want Patrick McHenry as their congressman, including HALF in Catawba County!

Secondly, Mr. Stewart obviously excluded, there are many, many people now who see this congressman as I do—a young man who’s “not exactly” as he presents himself. I am elated, Mr. Stewart, that I don’t have to carry this message alone any more.

Third, I don’t “hate” anyone, Mr. Stewart. That’s against The Commandments, if you don’t know. The “hater” here is McHenry, because I’m sure the arrogant young congressman doesn’t care at all for “ordinary people.” If you want to talk about his votes, Mr. Stewart, be sure to include the ones this year in which he voted AGAINST people on BIPARTISAN measures—AGAINST children with no health insurance (S-CHIP), AGAINST Pell Grants for North Carolinians, AGAINST the housing bill designed to help people saddled with predatory mortgages offered by McHenry’s big sponsors at Countrywide, et al., even AGAINST water quality for our area.

My complaint with your hero, Mr. Stewart, is that while he “represents” this area in Congress, he’s not “like” us. Where did this young man of the people, for instance, get the $175,000 that he “loaned his campaign” last week? Let’s see…he was penniless when first elected four years ago, but now, he’s got a pile of cash just lying around? Could it be that his campaign contributions have just dried up from people who are now doing their homework and reading about ALL of his votes? Or are his loyalists simply needing their hard-earned money for groceries, gasoline and house payments?

Aren’t these the very problems McHenry was going to solve for us? When? With all his partisan sniping, he’s part of the problem, not the solution!

All you need to do is ask someone who’s active in Republican Party politics, Mr. Stewart, and you can learn of my conservative pedigree. It’s laughable to call me a liberal, and I’m not associated with any Democrat campaign this fall at any level. My point about Daniel Johnson is simply that he’s a decent, intelligent young man whom I know and who’s proven to the world his concern for his fellow man. McHenry, by contrast, used his military “experience” in Iraq only to call attention to himself—at the risk of our military.

Finally, Mr. Stewart, I grew up being told that you need someone’s permission before addressing him by his first name. Until you get to know me, if ever you do, you do NOT have permission to call me Dennis!

Dennis A. Benfield
Hudson, NC

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