May 21, 2007
I’m so glad the Hickory Daily Record ran the epistle Sunday by Denise Fulmer of Morganton, whom I’m also glad I don’t know. Like other McHenryites, and the big McHenry himself, nothing they utter ever seems to have a foundation in facts. It’s another example for the world to see.
First, I have been saying the same thing, consistently, for almost three years about the congressman’s cronies voting illegally. It looks like the N.C. Board of Elections, the Gaston County district attorney and a Gaston County grand jury all agree with me, probably 50-100 investigators—and I have not met or spoken to a single one of them.
As for my “working with the Democrats,” that’s another falsehood. I don’t generally talk to Democrats—other than my brother-in-law, who lives in Durham—because they usually don’t have anything to say that I want to hear. I am a conservative Republican, Ms. Fulmer, and anyone who knows me, knows that. I don’t even know more than three or four Democrats! Patrick McHenry is a Republican problem, and Republicans must solve it!
The DA in Gaston County also is a Republican, one who’s even contributed to McHenry’s campaigns. So this baloney about a “political witch-hunt” doesn’t fool Republicans, either. Yes, I want to see this hypocrite thrown out in next year’s primary election.
Third, please can you tell me, how is it that I am guilty of political grandstanding? I’m not running for anything! McHenry, of course, has never stopped running—and raking in the campaign cash from every PAC under the sun which wants to purchase a U.S. Congressman. To my knowledge, McHenry’s political contributors are the only ones who have benefited from his representation of the 10th District.
I look forward to the day when this district is represented in Congress by a Republican man or woman of unquestioned integrity, someone who’s worked in a real job, someone who has a family to raise and teaches hard-working, conservative western North Carolina values. McHenry falls short of that person by any measure.
But, folks, if you like $3.00-plus-per-gallon gasoline, you need to know McHenry voted for the big oil companies’ multi-billion-dollar corporate welfare tax breaks. And if you think it’s fair for elderly Americans who need their medicines to be bamfoozled, you’ll be glad to know McHenry voted to shoot down the extension of time to sign up for their Medicare drug benefits.
And, too, if you think it’s good for working-class North Carolinians to have to pay more to borrow money, you can thank Patrick McHenry for voting to allow the big banks to grab up our local credit unions. Each time, he was well-compensated with big campaign bucks.
This is also the same guy who voted against tax incentives for small businesses and against an increase in the minimum wage—the same one who earned a 0 grade for effectiveness from both the conservative Disabled American Veterans and the liberal National Education Association.
Ms. Fulmer, you don’t have enough time to hear all the reasons why I can’t stand Patrick McHenry, but David Huffman, the Democrats and political grandstanding are not among them! His little part-time live-in pal from Tennessee stole my vote in 2004, and so far, a felony indictment says I’m right.
Your letter is the same old Machiavellian ploy, to divide and conquer, that McHenryites have used for three years. McHenry divides, because he benefits from it, and that’s the sole basis for his career. It’s up to us, the voting public, to change that next year.