August 16, 2010
Mr. Josey’s Friday the 13th editorial certainly explains why he interfaces with his “Republican friends” online rather than in person. Face to face, if he comes on the same way as he does in print, I don’t imagine he really has many “friends” in the GOP.
“Taking back America”? Not with 14%…
May 5, 2010
All this loud bluster by Tea Party folks and everybody else about “taking back America” is just a bunch of baloney as long as we can get only 14% of the electorate to the polls to vote in important primary elections.
The other 86% ought to be ashamed that they felt an election wasn’t important enough to take 15 minutes of their time.
All this loud bluster by Tea Party folks and everybody else about “taking back America” is just a bunch of baloney as long as we can get only 14% of the electorate to the polls to vote in important primary elections.
The other 86% ought to be ashamed that they felt an election wasn’t important enough to take 15 minutes of their time.
What’s Wrong with the Health Care System?
July 30, 2009
I sat in the dermatologist’s office the other day waiting for 56 minutes to get to a treatment room, where I waited another 25 minutes. The next day, I waited over 1½ hours to see my internist. So I’ve had lots of time to think about what’s wrong with the health care system.
I sat in the dermatologist’s office the other day waiting for 56 minutes to get to a treatment room, where I waited another 25 minutes. The next day, I waited over 1½ hours to see my internist. So I’ve had lots of time to think about what’s wrong with the health care system.
McHenry hired gun misses the mark
November 16, 2009
Patrick McHenry has his hired guns out early, as Carlton Huffman—“it is never easy to criticize a fellow Republican”—took a Friday the 13th shot at me, three months before the primary filing period. Huffman signs his letters “Granite Falls,” but he’s been a Washington, DC, political hack for years and has forgotten his Caldwell County values.
Patrick McHenry has his hired guns out early, as Carlton Huffman—“it is never easy to criticize a fellow Republican”—took a Friday the 13th shot at me, three months before the primary filing period. Huffman signs his letters “Granite Falls,” but he’s been a Washington, DC, political hack for years and has forgotten his Caldwell County values.
Response to William Lenoir PTA ‘statistics’
June 29, 2010
This is to respond to Maleah Haas and Celeste Brantolino of the William Lenoir Middle School PTA (June 26):
My old Scoutmaster would have read your letter and huffed, “Figures lie and liars figure.” I won’t go that far.
First, you accuse me of arguing that “senior adults…are not interested in…quality…education…” I didn’t say that at all. I said that “few” older citizens who DON’T have child
This is to respond to Maleah Haas and Celeste Brantolino of the William Lenoir Middle School PTA (June 26):
My old Scoutmaster would have read your letter and huffed, “Figures lie and liars figure.” I won’t go that far.
First, you accuse me of arguing that “senior adults…are not interested in…quality…education…” I didn’t say that at all. I said that “few” older citizens who DON’T have child
H1N1 vaccine farce good example of government health care
December 15, 2009
If you save back issues of the News-Topic, please go back and reread the article at the top of page 7A from Sunday, Dec. 13 (“Gripes about swine flu vaccine abound”). If you need further proof that any kind of large-scale healthcare system managed by the federal government would be a disaster waiting to happen, then I’m sure you haven’t been paying attention during the debate this year.
If you save back issues of the News-Topic, please go back and reread the article at the top of page 7A from Sunday, Dec. 13 (“Gripes about swine flu vaccine abound”). If you need further proof that any kind of large-scale healthcare system managed by the federal government would be a disaster waiting to happen, then I’m sure you haven’t been paying attention during the debate this year.
National church policy divides Lutherans on scripture, homosexuals in ministry
February 10, 2010
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Churchwide Assembly voted on Aug. 19, 2009, in Minneapolis to allow non-celibate gays and lesbians in “publicly accountable,” same-sex relationships to have unrestricted access to the pulpits of ELCA churches.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Churchwide Assembly voted on Aug. 19, 2009, in Minneapolis to allow non-celibate gays and lesbians in “publicly accountable,” same-sex relationships to have unrestricted access to the pulpits of ELCA churches.
Thomas Jefferson had a novel idea about government
February 21, 2010
Occasionally, even an old journalism major comes across a new word. It’s “usufruct,” a legal term dating back to the Romans that jumped out from one of Thomas Jefferson’s letters to his neighbor and political confidant, James Madison.
Occasionally, even an old journalism major comes across a new word. It’s “usufruct,” a legal term dating back to the Romans that jumped out from one of Thomas Jefferson’s letters to his neighbor and political confidant, James Madison.
McHenry Spending Habits 'Not Conservative'...
April 29, 2009
How is it that a man who advertises himself as “conservative” can look so “liberal” in his own spending? It’s well-documented that 10th District Rep. Patrick McHenry has issued emails, newspaper columns and phone calls recently to convince everyday constituents to help him with some $265,500 in campaign debt.
How is it that a man who advertises himself as “conservative” can look so “liberal” in his own spending? It’s well-documented that 10th District Rep. Patrick McHenry has issued emails, newspaper columns and phone calls recently to convince everyday constituents to help him with some $265,500 in campaign debt.
There's a "Silver Lining" in Current Economic Mess...
March 24, 2009
Remember when your mother used to tell you that “every cloud has a silver lining”?
If you’re conservative, too, the “cloud” hanging over us is that we don’t run things any more—while big-spending liberals do. Democrats in charge of Congress, along with their smiling lets-go-make-fun-of-Special-Olympics-on-Jay-Leno President Obama, have spent trillions in just two months. Congress is being stampeded by its liberal leaders into passing the biggest spending bills in history—too big even to read before voting—and most of the money won’t have the effect they want.
Wouldn't McCain Be More Effective Without McHenry?
September 30, 2008
This letter is for Rep. Patrick McHenry and his gunslingers who attack me in print whenever I point out his partisan sniping and bickering with fellow members of Congress, along with his consistent, obstructive “no” votes on heavily bipartisan bills. It’s why he’s so ineffective on behalf of the economically challenged middle class of the 10th District.
Exchange in Hickory Daily Record letters
Hickory Daily Record, July 23, 2008
McHenry confidant Jason Deans edits Wikipedia listings, according to site
There’s an interesting website out there called“”, and it offers some interesting information for voters to consider in the upcoming November election. The Google page describes the site as “the official site of Republicans disgusted with Patrick McHenry’s (R-NC) actions on and off the House floor as he fails to represent voters of the 10th District....”
Lance Sigmon proves that God answers prayers...
January 5, 2008
For more than three years, I and a few dozen others from around the 10th Congressional District have actively sought—even prayed for—a top-notch candidate, who possesses intelligence, impeccable character and integrity, and a little fire in the belly, to challenge Patrick McHenry.
Did McHenry lie, straight-faced, to Caldwell GOP?
December 16, 2007
On December 15, 10th District congressman Patrick McHenry was guest speaker at the annual Christmas dinner of the Caldwell County Republican Party. He awkwardly told a story that played on the ancient Christmas tradition of Santa Claus giving lumps of coal to children who had been “naughty” during the year.
McHenry's the reason I'm not "sweet" any more...
October 23, 2007
At my 40th anniversary Hickory High reunion a few days ago, the very first former teacher I saw—Mary Ellen Snodgrass, one of my favorites, who also lives in Caldwell County—accosted me with a broad smile and chortled: “What’s happened to you? You used to be s-o-o sweet! You need to lighten up!”
At my 40th anniversary Hickory High reunion a few days ago, the very first former teacher I saw—Mary Ellen Snodgrass, one of my favorites, who also lives in Caldwell County—accosted me with a broad smile and chortled: “What’s happened to you? You used to be s-o-o sweet! You need to lighten up!”
A Response to Those Whose Letters Want to 'Define' Me
October 18, 2007
I get a little tired of people like Gary A. Whisnant, Johnny C. Perry and Ron McDaniel writing to the Lenoir News-Topic “defining” me in their own political terms. I’m a big boy, and my skin is plenty thick enough to handle the criticism—but if folks are going to criticize, I really do wish they’d bother to be factual.
Proposed Airport Deal Raises LOTS of Questions...
September 16, 2007
Remember the much-ballyhooed announcement a few months back of VX Aerospace locating at the Foothills Regional Airport to manufacture small airplanes? It’s another step forward in economic development brought to you by your Caldwell County Commissioners, this time in partnership with the Burke commissioners and the cities of Lenoir and Morganton.
McHenry Fires Back, But Given the Facts, He's Just Shooting Blanks!
September 12, 2007
This is an open letter to 10th District Congressman Patrick T. McHenry, who after three years, finally fired back at one of my letters-to-the-editor.
Congressman, you are all three rings, the ringmaster and even the elephant in that circus that you consider “public service.” Nice shot, though, that I was entitled to my own opinion, but not my own facts. Very clever, considering that I had never heard a response from your camp before.
An Open Letter to Gary Whisnant's daddy...
August 23, 2007
This is an “open letter” to Mr. Gary A. Whisnant, Hudson, NC:
Because the Lenoir News-Topic will print letters-to-the-editor only so often, I’m quite sure the paper won’t print my response to Mr. Gary A. Whisnant’s diatribe against me in yesterday’s newspaper. Unfortunately, my only options are to post this letter on my website ( and to mail Mr. Whisnant a copy.
What is Gary Whisnant talking about?
August 16, 2007
Who, exactly, was Gary Whisnant addressing in his letter in Wednesday’s Lenoir News-Topic? And what, exactly, was he trying to say?
What's the Source of McHenry's New Wealth?
August 7, 2007
If you’re a big Patrick McHenry supporter, you probably ought to look away right now. (Yes, I’m thinking specifically of Mr. Charles Yount, whose letter in the Hickory Daily Record a few weeks ago criticized me for criticizing the good Congressman.)
America Seems to be Full of Hypocrites...
July 30, 2007
No doubt, America is full of hypocrites.
Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick likely will never play another down in the NFL, and former NBA official Tim Donaghy is toast, too. Both will be fortunate to avoid some serious prison time—because of Americans’ hypocritical nature.
What's the Real Problem with America's Health Care System?
July 30, 2007
I sat in the dermatologist’s office the other day waiting for 56 minutes to get to a treatment room, where I waited another 25 minutes. The next day, I waited over 1½ hours to see my internist. So I’ve had lots of time to think about what’s wrong with the health care system.
Immigration Policies Will Be Determined, Now, at Local Government Level
July 30, 2007
It stands to reason that on the same day the Dow Jones Industrial Average nose-dived 311 points (July 26), a long-winded Pennsylvania judge would rule, essentially, that cities and towns don’t have the right to crack down on illegal immigration in the absence new federal laws.
Eliminating Dems in Raleigh...
July 23, 2007
To paraphrase a group of popular TV commercials, getting rid of Democrats at all levels of North Carolina government really is “so easy a caveman can do it!”
Here We Are Again! Another Caldwell County Tax Hike!
June 21, 2007
Well, here we are again! Thanks to the action of the County Commissioners on June 18, we have our fourth property tax increase in a little over four years, this one a whopping 12 cents per $100 valuation—more than the other three combined. It’s the kind of thing that makes someone question why he’s a Republican.
The Ultimate 'Right' Today? The Right to be Offensive!
March 23, 2007
Vanity license plates, body piercings, too loose or too tight clothing, smoking cigarettes, Confederate or Mexican flags, tattoos, obscenity and vulgarity on radio and TV, religious rituals and taboos...the list
goes on and on. Let me add one: strong perfumes in the church pews.
Chet Wronski, the Liberal, Got it Right This Time!
June 20, 2007
In response to Mr. Chet Wronski ("Your Voice", June 20, Hickory Daily Record), cutting up Congressman Patrick McHenry for his recent PR mailing at taxpayer expense, let me say simply that I agree. The problem is that Mr. Wronski only scratches the surface in terms of McHenry’s disingenuousness.
What Will Really Happen if We Pull Out of Iraq?
June 6, 2007
The race doesn’t always go to the swift, or the battle to the strong—as the old saying goes—but that’s how we will always bet. But as any sports fan knows, there is an important place for “motivation” in the outcome of sports contests.
What's Really Important in Water War with Cabarrus County?
December 18, 2006
I believe most people miss some very important points in this debate over whether Concord and Kannapolis should be allowed to siphon off 26 million more gallons of water per day from the Catawba River.
Kids Wearing Confederate T-Shirts Wrongly Persecuted
March 20, 2004
Where is the American Civil Liberties Union when you really need it? Are you serious? Have school officials in Caldwell County gone completely off their bean, banning tee-shirts with Confederate flags? Where will this "We're afraid someone might be offended" nonsense ever end? Do our political institutions plan to keep their heads in the sand forever, or will they eventually stand up for the majority rights that our government was established to provide?
Unhappy People Resort to Underhanded Tactics
May 28, 2007
It’s amazing the tactics unhappy people will turn to when they are losing an argument being conducted on the facts. Time has proved to me, over and over, as I get older that when folks lose a debate on the basis of reason and common sense, they almost always “get personal” in an attempt to destroy the credibility of “the messenger.”
Hickory Record Guest Columnist Attacks Fat People
June 1, 2005 (Hickory Daily Record)
Wow, who is Sigrid Hice, and just what are her qualifications as a "guest columnist"? Certainly not her ability to think logically and to recognize value in those of us who are not perfect physical specimens!Yet, there she is in Tuesday's paper, like a bolt from the blue, solving all of mankind's problems!
Rights Are 'Endowed by...Creator,' Not Government
July 20, 2005
I don't think much of government, in general, because government doesn't create or confer new "freedoms;" it can only restrict or take away what we already have. Another letter writer recently noted that the
Declaration of Independence points out that Americans'freedoms are "endowed by their Creator...." Not the government.
Caldwell Schools Want Input on New Superintendent
January 13, 2006
The Caldwell County Schools recently announced that they are seeking input from "the community" on the qualifications of the person needed to replace
retiring school superintendent Dr. Tom McNeel. Here's mine.
Democrats Decry Bush's Abuse of Civil Liberties
December 31, 2005
The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Enough already from Democrats and unaffiliated liberals who want to cry me a river about how the evil George W. is out to rescind all American civil liberties just to catch a few terrorists.
McHenry Asks Both Senators to Snub Huffman Fund-Raiser
August 9, 2006
More and more, it looks like Patrick McHenry is just NOT the man who should be representing the 10th District in the US Congress. Because of his questionable ethics and meddling in local elections,we've had to "look the other way" for almost two years.
News-Topic Columnist Should 'Carry a Big Stick'
June 30, 2006 (Lenoir News-Topic)
This is a comment on the recent exchange between your columnist Benjie Watts and the BellSouth manager in Asheville, Mr. Spooner, regarding the performance or lack thereof by BellSouth in moving Mr. Watts' phone service. Mr. Spooner thought Mr. Watts' comments a little over the line about what he perceived as poor service. They may have been.
McHenryites Always Play the Same Game
May 21, 2007
I’m so glad the Hickory Daily Record ran the epistle Sunday by Denise Fulmer of Morganton, whom I’m also glad I don’t know. Like other McHenryites, and the big McHenry himself, nothing they utter ever seems to have a foundation in facts. It’s another example for the world to see.
What's Happened to Journalistic Standards?
June 28, 2006
I can't imagine that anyone around here champions the First Amendment more than I do. But last Saturday, the Hickory Daily Record's editorial page was "over the line"--apparently for a lot of people besides me.
Liberals Need to 'Just Shut Up'!
June 26, 2006
In the wake of the brutal kidnapping, torture, murder and mutilation of our two GIs in Iraq last week, I have a message for liberals who want to turn tail and run--just shut up! Don't preach about Abu Ghraib,
Guantanamo or Haditha, no matter how right you think you are.
Is Patrick McHenry's Vote in Congress 'For Sale'?
February 6, 2006
In a 1992 comedy film, Eddie Murphy starred as a young black con artist who became a freshman Congressman ("The Distinguished Gentleman") and found a corrupt system in Washington where "money for" and "money against" was virtually thrown at him from many, many special interest groups and their lobbyists.
Mike Ledford...A McHenry Crony?
March 28, 2006
Mike Ledford? Who, pray tell, is Mike Ledford? Judging by his campaign style, I'd say he's a close relativeof Patrick McHenry.
First, he doesn't pay the property taxes that fund the very job he's seeking. If that doesn't do enough to call into question his credibility, he holds a news conference, boldly proclaiming "lies, lies, lies" at a
sheriff who's served Catawba County with distinction and integrity for 24 years.
Mike Ledford? Who, pray tell, is Mike Ledford? Judging by his campaign style, I'd say he's a close relativeof Patrick McHenry.
First, he doesn't pay the property taxes that fund the very job he's seeking. If that doesn't do enough to call into question his credibility, he holds a news conference, boldly proclaiming "lies, lies, lies" at a
sheriff who's served Catawba County with distinction and integrity for 24 years.
What Do Beer Wholesalers Want with McHenry?
January 22, 2007
What, exactly, does the National Beer Wholesalers’ Association want from 10th District Congressman Patrick McHenry? Let’s get it out in the open.
What, exactly, does the National Beer Wholesalers’ Association want from 10th District Congressman Patrick McHenry? Let’s get it out in the open.
Happy McHenry's Been Caught? Hardly...
May 14, 2007
Last Friday night, I returned home to an email informing me that CBS News investigators were reporting that a field coordinator for the Patrick McHenry campaign for Congress in 2004 had been indicted by a Gaston County grand jury for voter fraud. Michael Aaron Lay, 26, was one of several college-age men who came to the 10th District that summer from out-of-state, or from other parts of North Carolina, and stayed temporarily at McHenry’s house in Cherryville to work in the now-congressman’s primary campaign.
Last Friday night, I returned home to an email informing me that CBS News investigators were reporting that a field coordinator for the Patrick McHenry campaign for Congress in 2004 had been indicted by a Gaston County grand jury for voter fraud. Michael Aaron Lay, 26, was one of several college-age men who came to the 10th District that summer from out-of-state, or from other parts of North Carolina, and stayed temporarily at McHenry’s house in Cherryville to work in the now-congressman’s primary campaign.
Is McHenry's "Luck" Really This Bad?
May 15, 2007
The last few weeks have not been kind to our esteemed young congressman, Patrick McHenry.
In mid-April, in an MSNBC-TV interview with Chris Matthews, McHenry was all fired up and ready to attack Iran with a pre-emptive strike, to prevent that nation from developing a nuclear weapon. Just two weeks later, a call to the congressman’s office revealed that “he did not vote” on HR1592, the widely-ballyhooed liberal attempt to make gays and lesbians a separate “protected class” under federal hate crimes law.
The last few weeks have not been kind to our esteemed young congressman, Patrick McHenry.
In mid-April, in an MSNBC-TV interview with Chris Matthews, McHenry was all fired up and ready to attack Iran with a pre-emptive strike, to prevent that nation from developing a nuclear weapon. Just two weeks later, a call to the congressman’s office revealed that “he did not vote” on HR1592, the widely-ballyhooed liberal attempt to make gays and lesbians a separate “protected class” under federal hate crimes law.
Liberals and Conservatives?
July 18, 2006
By trying to define conservatives by a single editorial statement or a stand on a single political issue, I'm afraid Mr. Chester Wronski--pardon the pun, please--is "Mr. Wrongski" in his letter-to-the-editor of the Hickory Daily Record on July 17. I've seen it proved over and over that political labels are wrong about as often as they are right.
By trying to define conservatives by a single editorial statement or a stand on a single political issue, I'm afraid Mr. Chester Wronski--pardon the pun, please--is "Mr. Wrongski" in his letter-to-the-editor of the Hickory Daily Record on July 17. I've seen it proved over and over that political labels are wrong about as often as they are right.
What's Really Important in Water War?
December 18, 2006
I believe most people miss some very important points in this debate over whether Concord and Kannapolis should be allowed to siphon off 26 million more gallons of water per day from the Catawba River.
When, exactly, would this Inter-Basin Transfer (IBT) actually begin to occur, should the N.C. Environmental Management Commission approve it in January? 2035…let me emphasize that…2035! In almost 30 years, most of the people who are arguing so vehemently right now, on one side or the other, will be dead! For the most part, if Concord and Kannapolis get their approval, this current “political generation” won’t even be around.
I believe most people miss some very important points in this debate over whether Concord and Kannapolis should be allowed to siphon off 26 million more gallons of water per day from the Catawba River.
When, exactly, would this Inter-Basin Transfer (IBT) actually begin to occur, should the N.C. Environmental Management Commission approve it in January? 2035…let me emphasize that…2035! In almost 30 years, most of the people who are arguing so vehemently right now, on one side or the other, will be dead! For the most part, if Concord and Kannapolis get their approval, this current “political generation” won’t even be around.